søndag den 17. maj 2020

The learning curve

What is it that I want to do with this blog? Am I hunting for likes and recognition? Am I trying to obtain sponsorships and do reviews of the incredible new ultrafeather-hyper-super-dino-camo-powerthrough-jacket-2020-v.2.1 build from half Robocop-armor and half Harry potter's invisibility cape?!
... the answer is no and truth is that I haven't thought it through about this blog-thing. Like this journey I'll let it grow on me, learn a thing or two and improvise. At least I hope to provide an insight into life on the go in a backpack, add some depth to my photography on the way and tell a story or two about what comes to my mind being alone on the road..  or in the forest.. or on the mountain.. or on the trail.. or in the tent.. or where ever, I guess you get the point. This is a different life.

What can I say.. I managed to empty my food bag and fill it again and do it all over gain. Each time with better stuff and more accurate to my needs. This is one of the biggest learnings so far. Holy sourkraut I gotta eat a lot to get the calories I need. Calculated it and 5000 calories on a daily basis means that I need to eat more throughout the day than I actually am able to?! When I did my biking adventure I stopped every place I could get ice cream, candy and whatnot. Just freestyled my way through. On my kayak expedition I was carrying so much food I never gave it any thoughts really. Now, I have to think forward a lot more. I need to do this systematically. The body and head answer promptly if I don't snack before I should have snacked. To be organized and ration all my food accordingly to the planned amount of days in the wilderness is key to keep the energy flowing smoothely through my veins.

It's been a little adventurous and strenuous moving through terrain with no trails or roads. I definitely need to commit 100% to the understanding of how time consuming it is so I don't underestimate it. Too, I now accept that trails on the map do not necessarily exist in the real world. Important. Just accept and go. At one point I spiced up the tough terrain with losing my phone in the bush! What an exercise in orientation skills and mental focus it was to backtrack those 20-30 minutes. Fortunately I managed to find it safe and dry among blueberry bushes and heather. I did not leave home and safety to cut the wire to friends, family, podcasts and music.
Border between Sweden and Norway 

Honestly, I was scared of this trip! I see in my packing that I packed a freaking roll on deodorant?! What was I thinking? Sent some stuff back to a friend to get rid of one kilo. My worries, anxiety-kind of low self esteem-syndrome packing probably has roots in a badly broken foot one and a half year ago. But, to my surpise it does the job pretty well. Not without pain, but using it this intensively motivates me to stretch it a lot in the evenings. Maybe this will actually benefit it long term wise?
Too, so far my body can do this. Knees, back, legs, thighs etc. Actually feels good. Seems like this winter's ski touring pays of in more than great views and excellent skiing.

Body an head. Substance and mind. Both in contact  with my ego, self and all Jung&Freud's friends seems to slowly adapt into expedition mode. Getting back into routines. Remembering the tent plug count for each camp to ensure I've got them all with me when breaking camp. Sending the camp coordinates through the sattelite device. Channel positive thoughts into lows. Remember my socks after wash! Yeah, forgot a pair... again, should just be a routine to check everything all the time without being paranoid and ocd. Take things a bit slower and do just one thing at a time. Easier said than done. Need to feel this to fix it.

Up till now it's been cold and a little windy everyday. Below 0 celsius every night and around 8-10 through the day. After a day of hiking I haven't had much energy left. Just went for a swim almost everyday. That feels so good. Happy about what is in my backpack since it's what's keeping me warm in the tent during this cold spring weather. Even had fresh snow falling! Seems like it eventually is meant to roll over into some milder springish weather from next week.
The few people I've met on the way have been really nice. A farmer gave me eggs and beef, a shop owner gave me pastry and a hunter picked me up in his truck on the paved road to bring me to the next trail. The kindness I meet really boosts my motivation. And the farmer's cows looked to funny

Okay fuck it, I'm rambling on for just a bit more. Hang on and check this out.
Sometimes I sit by lakes and just stare into them. This is where my head really is allowed to flow around in the moment. Like.. there is space for my head which normally is not there. So often on this kind of touring it feels so natural to do absolutely nothing. And that's when I noticed that every time I sit by a lake having one of those empty-headed peaceful moments and the huge birds,cranes, come flying straight over my head cruising over the area I get the feeling of them being dinosaurs and me being so far from everything. Man.. I've really spent time looking at these fellas. The cranes. They're beautiful. A bit at war with the swans, but they manage. And the sounds they make! Holy potato they can scream. Look this up on YouTube if you care. As I sit there and whistle to them they answer with these incredible noises that echoes through the forest endless times. Enhancing the moment! Was lucky enough to catch a tasty trout the other morning while cranes where wandering around on the opposite side of the lake. What a morning.. And what a dinner that night :)
Here's one cheesy rhyme for a cosy time to roll up this blog post and finish it:

I'm not counting kilometres but days. 
Not counting kilos but chocolate plates.

Like tom waits sang this morning in the tent to my morning coffee out the tent door: you haven't seen the morning till you've been up all night. So, blog ya later and feel free to come join me for a walk! :)

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