
Photography is new to me (yay it's a rime!), but it's fun and I figured out my own 'mantra'; 
I do not edit my photos or place filters on them

Everything is shot 100% manually thus all my photos are 'out of box' .jpg files from my Fuji x100t. There is a lot to learn doing it like this. A good challenge and more fun to actually work with my camera as a tool that brings forth the exact colour scale, focus, drama, perspective, etc... I can't zoom and I can't go fix thing afterwards. Just try to be accurat. Respect the moment. That being said it isn't that I have anything against edited photos and .raw files, it's just that my computer can't handle anything like that ;-) It isn't set in stones that I'll never convert into a new mantra of maybe shoot only grey scale photos, but for now I enjoy this learning process of what the camera can do and can't do.

From the Alps of Sunnmøre and around (westcoast, Norway) 

My favourite photo

Glimpse of what's to expect of the Norwegian coastline: Best in the world!

From my time in Finnmark. Pure magic!

Photo of me and the full moon on winter solstice by 

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