torsdag den 2. juli 2020


Martin and I got above tree line after some days in the forest. More wind equals less mosquitoes!
Went up at 3:30 to take a piss and was greeted by this. Had to go grab the camera.

Oh I can't keep up with time flying by so super fast and documenting it at the same time. I suppose it's exactly how it should be and it consolidates the deep happiness I feel from within and through all of my body lately. Physically. Like some kind of drug. Life as drug itself. Beautiful!
Martin reading his book in the sun set

Martin, my cousin, came to visit me for 9 days. We both were first timers when it comes to living with tons of mosquitoes and other biting flies. From two days before he arrived and the next days the intensity of flying annoying insects were increasing. The greatest heat wave so far seemed to hit at the same time. A hot cocktail that we both had to swallow. Two days after his departure there was a big very heavy rainfall and drowned many of the flies. Seems like only the mosquitoes survived.

All though high temps and swarms of black devils in the air were dominating we had 9 good days. During Martin's stay we had my old high school buddy, Emil, come by on his motorbike. He did the 1000 km both ways just to visit one day, but that one day felt like a day back in the days. I hope for him it was worth it. Me and Martin definitely appreciated his effort!

The change from being on the move all alone to having company was huge. All the new dayli  laughter and all the high moments to share. Saying good morning and good night. The fact that I no longer was on my own quest but on vacation took a while to settle. In the end it was difficult for me not have my thoughts constantly falling back on my own track and the wilderness that awaited me. Moving slowly around and enjoying the moments -  but still; all the time being able to see my future direction in the horizon was distracting me. However, we had many epic days with amazing sunsets, beautiful hikes, some good fishing. I felt very rested after this little holiday and motivation to continue my own mission rose.
back on my mission after some social days 
For the moment I've added a new spice to my diet: ibux! Or ibuprofen.. or painkillers? I'm trying to kill inflammation in my left foot. Plantar fasciitis I think it's called. Dayli stretching and this medication will hopefully do the trick.
mosquitoes still there, last day of the heat wave that lasted 3 weeks I guess. My face mask/net is not dealing with the insects well enough. They manage to come through and bite my face!

I'm still in Femundsmarka. The landscape here is significant. Have never seen anything like it. Big blocks if stone everywhere. Very difficult to move around in. I'm in the most remote area of the national park with about 25 km any direction to slightest civilization. After all I have concluded that from this day I will only walk on trails and focus on moving on. Probably do some time through Sweden. The terrain is too difficult to go through with what I had set myself up to. 
doing 15-20 km a day in this kind of terrain with weather change into rain in mind is too big a risk. I will cross Femundsmarka and go around it through Sweden
the rare poisonous wolf lichen!

The weather has changed to 3 degrees in the morning and tops at 10 throughout the day. The wind is cold and there is rain in the air. Oddly, it feels delightful. Finally the cool down after numerous heat waves. But I won't go through with the off trail adventurous route I had in mind, because the huge stones are slippery as they were coated with soap. So I find myself forced to think differently and I think I found the solution. To make it even more complicated then my place for food deposit much further north seems to close down due to death. All in all it makes me look further east. I'm already on the border. The  result might be to do some weeks in Sweden. My direction will still be north and the adventure is far from over. 
on the border to Sweden this group of German tourists on a guided gourmet man-tour invited me for a three course breakfast. Wow! Sharpened my taste sense like never before.
my own gourmet meal of fresh caught greyling

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